The month started off slow but good. I've been pleased with the progress over last few months. I've had sections that had a great bit added and other sections where I switched the POV and adjusted the scene slightly. I love it! It feels like I'm really getting somewhere!
Christmas Spirit:
Goal: 30 hrs for April
Results: 9 hrs
So what's my excuse? I knew 30 hours was a dream goal. I never expected to get there, an hour a day, not with all that we were coming up upon. But I never thought I'd do less than 10 hours either. Kiddo started baseball, and I go to the games to watch and take pictures. There are a lot of games! Also I've been working with Kiddo on college stuff. All sorts of forms and visits were in April for a college he thought he was going to (he's recently changed to another). So time was tied up with Kiddo, which would probably be most of the last of many things now that he's graduated and going into college.
And this month was a bust all around. It felt like a short month as we were still playing catch up from three of the four weekends in April being filled with college visits. We had Prom to ready for and pictures to be taken. Then I headed to Balticon for the last weekend.
Like I said, a bust for me.
And why not toss in June?
I know we are coming to the mid point of June and there's still 15 days remaining. Anything could change. But, I'm not foreseeing it going anywhere and I'm not going to get my hopes up just to be crushed.
I spent the first 10 days tied up with Kiddo's graduation from high school then his Graduation party. We had the school picnic and then I got sick with this sinus infection. It's been busy. I am also working on for pay content editing work. And I've concluded I need to get another part-time job on the weekends, so I'm looking for that now too.
Sadly, the writing will have to take a back burner until life gets back on track all around.
I'm not planning on joining Camp NaNoWriMo for July. I have another editing project coming in (yea!) and I want to get back on track with a few things here. August is going to be a bit tricky in the beginning, and then Kiddo starts college so... I'm not sure how that will go. We'll see when the time comes.
I want to get a few things squared away and get to writing again, even for half an hour a day.
I have an idea for a special system to use in a book creating itself in my mind. It has to do with color and light. I have to research it and learn more and I don't have a story to go with it yet, but the idea of this system sounds my head. ;) I'll note it and maybe some day it'll work into a story idea.
So, here's to a few months of getting caught up then back at it once again!