Thursday, December 15, 2011

The A-Z Reading Challenge 2012


Hello all!

Melissa and I (Jackie) were trying to think of some interesting ways to challenge ourselves and our fellow readers for the New Year. We've come up with an alphabet challenge that should be fairly easy to complete, if you happen to read 26 or more books per year. Then again, there are always those elusive letters, like "Z" and "U", that might really make this "challenge" come alive. And to throw an additional wrench in the plans, books starting with "A" or "The" don't count for "a" and "t"

Here are the challenge levels:

Level 1 - The EZ-Peasy. 7 books (each TITLE starting with a different letter of the alphabet). This challenge level maybe a cake walk, and upon completion, you can read all the books that start with "The" you could possibly desire, including John Grisham's entire library ;)
Level 2 - Alphabet Soup. 13 books of varying letters but just like the soup, sometimes you only get so many letters in the bowl. It will still be an impressive feat!
Level 3 - The Varsity Jacket. 26 books. You'll read a book starting with every single letter! Once completed,  a victory lap around the track can be performed in celebration!
Level 4 - The Vanna White. 52 books. Tackling each and every letter twice over this year, you'll prove your prowess is matched only by the letter master herself! We will be awed and humbled by your achievements :D

To join in, enter your blog info below. We will be posting monthly updates where you can link your alphabet themed reviews (setting up a post where you have links to all your reviews together would be a great way to keep track too :). Remember to keep checking back until the end of the year when we'll be giving away a gift certificate and a swag pack. We're looking forward to seeing all the great books listed!

We've created a handy-dandy button for you to remember where to link, also! Just copy the text in the box below and paste into an HTML window on your sidebar:

The Challenged Writers A to Z Reading Challenge

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