I had plans... Ugh.
Goal: 15 hours Re-writes on Christmas Spirit
Actual: 8 hours Re-writes on Christmas Spirit
So, I started out good. I figured half an hour a day and if I missed it would be easy to make up. Then we had an away football game that was a couple hours away. And then another one. The weekends were a wash with driving, game, and photos. (I take and touch up photos for the guys on the team with Kiddo.)
Then the biggest hold up happened. Scrivener locked up. Yep. This is that one thing no one wants to see happen. I couldn't get into my project. AT ALL! My heart sunk. I thought I was going to have to type every word and character all over again. And lose all my character and places details. I took a breath and tried to relax. I sent an email to Scrivener, hoping for all hope they could unlock it. It took five days and emails to get there but we did. *phew* I was so relieved when I finally was able to see words on the screen again.
So, I did get some work done. Not as much as hoped, but closer to what I expected. We can always hope for more.
I'm not officially doing NaNoWriMo in November. I don't have a plot board or ideas down to work from to hit 50k words in sprint writings. But I am taking the month to work on words. I set up a Goal Tracker for November of 30 hours of Re-writes/re-read for Christmas Spirit. I want to get this book to a rough draft that can be worked from and move forward with it.
Plans for November:
Goal: 30 Hours Re-writes/Re-read of Christmas Spirit
As for Scrivener locking up, would anyone be interested in a post to how I was able to fix it? Of course the help center told me what to do, but I could share the details with you if you're interested.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
August and September Update
I was on such a great roll. And then it all comes to an abrupt end.
By that statement you can probably guess I didn't get anything accomplished in the two months this post is for. True. I've been working on for-pay content editing work. And, somewhere along the way I got swept up in life and events happening. A wedding for a dear friend's daughter. Football season. And all sorts of things that go on from day to day. I've started diving into my photography which takes time as well. I've been going to free functions to practice and better my craft with the camera. Which all has left little time for writing.
I'm sitting at the beginning of October telling myself I will not do NaNoWriMo this year. I will not. (reminder for me) Reason, I've not planned out the next novel I plan to write. I can't dive into the next one without some guidance. I don't really outline, but I do have a direction in mind when I start. And I have a rather (RATHER) loose idea, but that's it. I will, however, work on edits.
We are four days into October and I've managed to get two hours in on typing in re-writes, and making other changes. I created a Goal Tracker for it on the NaNoWriMo website. (I totally love this new feature!)
Goal: 15 Hours of Re-writes for Christmas Spirit (at least, if done sooner I'll dive into more works).
I'm hoping for half an hour a day. If I get behind, I should be able to make up lost time on weekends. (cross your fingers) This will be the same plan for November, though hopefully more hours to work toward.
Here's to doing ALL THE THINGS! Have a great October!
I was on such a great roll. And then it all comes to an abrupt end.
By that statement you can probably guess I didn't get anything accomplished in the two months this post is for. True. I've been working on for-pay content editing work. And, somewhere along the way I got swept up in life and events happening. A wedding for a dear friend's daughter. Football season. And all sorts of things that go on from day to day. I've started diving into my photography which takes time as well. I've been going to free functions to practice and better my craft with the camera. Which all has left little time for writing.
I'm sitting at the beginning of October telling myself I will not do NaNoWriMo this year. I will not. (reminder for me) Reason, I've not planned out the next novel I plan to write. I can't dive into the next one without some guidance. I don't really outline, but I do have a direction in mind when I start. And I have a rather (RATHER) loose idea, but that's it. I will, however, work on edits.
We are four days into October and I've managed to get two hours in on typing in re-writes, and making other changes. I created a Goal Tracker for it on the NaNoWriMo website. (I totally love this new feature!)
Goal: 15 Hours of Re-writes for Christmas Spirit (at least, if done sooner I'll dive into more works).
I'm hoping for half an hour a day. If I get behind, I should be able to make up lost time on weekends. (cross your fingers) This will be the same plan for November, though hopefully more hours to work toward.
Here's to doing ALL THE THINGS! Have a great October!
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
July Update:
I joined Camp NaNoWriMo. I know, I know. I said in June's post I didn't know when I'd get back to writing or re-writes, and at the earliest it'd be August. That was true then. The schedule for editing work changed and opened up July. So I figured what the hay, I'll give it a go.
Also, I failed miserably at Camp NaNoWriMo in April, so why not attempt it again? What's the worst that'll happen? I could fail again (even though I hate that). But it would be some work towards the story.
I signed on to work 30 hours. I wasn't to thrilled with this. I wanted 15 hours, to work at least a half hour a day. Camp NaNoWriMo writing by the hour only goes as low as 30 hours. I understand it's camp and you strive to get as much as you can in, but life still happens too. I didn't think I was going to hit 30 hours, there was to much still in motion at the time. So I also signed up for a Goal Tracker in NaNoWriMo for 15 hours. I figure if I fail at one place I'll win at the other. lol.
What am I working on? I'm continuing with Christmas Spirit.
I know. That image has to be flipped or something, right. I was further along in the first image. So you know what that means. That's right. I finished the book with it's first round of re-writes in print and have started typing in the changes! Woot woot! Exciting!
How did the Camp NaNoWriMo go?
30 Hour Goal of Re-writes on Christmas Spirit:
~ 30 Hours ACCOMPLISHED in Re-writes of Christmas Spirit!
That's exciting news. It was a good month for working.
I joined Camp NaNoWriMo. I know, I know. I said in June's post I didn't know when I'd get back to writing or re-writes, and at the earliest it'd be August. That was true then. The schedule for editing work changed and opened up July. So I figured what the hay, I'll give it a go.
Also, I failed miserably at Camp NaNoWriMo in April, so why not attempt it again? What's the worst that'll happen? I could fail again (even though I hate that). But it would be some work towards the story.
I signed on to work 30 hours. I wasn't to thrilled with this. I wanted 15 hours, to work at least a half hour a day. Camp NaNoWriMo writing by the hour only goes as low as 30 hours. I understand it's camp and you strive to get as much as you can in, but life still happens too. I didn't think I was going to hit 30 hours, there was to much still in motion at the time. So I also signed up for a Goal Tracker in NaNoWriMo for 15 hours. I figure if I fail at one place I'll win at the other. lol.
What am I working on? I'm continuing with Christmas Spirit.
Where I am at the start of July:
Where I am at the end of July:
I know. That image has to be flipped or something, right. I was further along in the first image. So you know what that means. That's right. I finished the book with it's first round of re-writes in print and have started typing in the changes! Woot woot! Exciting!
How did the Camp NaNoWriMo go?
30 Hour Goal of Re-writes on Christmas Spirit:
~ 30 Hours ACCOMPLISHED in Re-writes of Christmas Spirit!
That's exciting news. It was a good month for working.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
April, May, and why not June Update
The month started off slow but good. I've been pleased with the progress over last few months. I've had sections that had a great bit added and other sections where I switched the POV and adjusted the scene slightly. I love it! It feels like I'm really getting somewhere!
Christmas Spirit:
Goal: 30 hrs for April
Results: 9 hrs
So what's my excuse? I knew 30 hours was a dream goal. I never expected to get there, an hour a day, not with all that we were coming up upon. But I never thought I'd do less than 10 hours either. Kiddo started baseball, and I go to the games to watch and take pictures. There are a lot of games! Also I've been working with Kiddo on college stuff. All sorts of forms and visits were in April for a college he thought he was going to (he's recently changed to another). So time was tied up with Kiddo, which would probably be most of the last of many things now that he's graduated and going into college.
And this month was a bust all around. It felt like a short month as we were still playing catch up from three of the four weekends in April being filled with college visits. We had Prom to ready for and pictures to be taken. Then I headed to Balticon for the last weekend.
Like I said, a bust for me.
And why not toss in June?
I know we are coming to the mid point of June and there's still 15 days remaining. Anything could change. But, I'm not foreseeing it going anywhere and I'm not going to get my hopes up just to be crushed.
I spent the first 10 days tied up with Kiddo's graduation from high school then his Graduation party. We had the school picnic and then I got sick with this sinus infection. It's been busy. I am also working on for pay content editing work. And I've concluded I need to get another part-time job on the weekends, so I'm looking for that now too.
Sadly, the writing will have to take a back burner until life gets back on track all around.
I'm not planning on joining Camp NaNoWriMo for July. I have another editing project coming in (yea!) and I want to get back on track with a few things here. August is going to be a bit tricky in the beginning, and then Kiddo starts college so... I'm not sure how that will go. We'll see when the time comes.
I want to get a few things squared away and get to writing again, even for half an hour a day.
I have an idea for a special system to use in a book creating itself in my mind. It has to do with color and light. I have to research it and learn more and I don't have a story to go with it yet, but the idea of this system sounds my head. ;) I'll note it and maybe some day it'll work into a story idea.
So, here's to a few months of getting caught up then back at it once again!
The month started off slow but good. I've been pleased with the progress over last few months. I've had sections that had a great bit added and other sections where I switched the POV and adjusted the scene slightly. I love it! It feels like I'm really getting somewhere!
Christmas Spirit:
Goal: 30 hrs for April
Results: 9 hrs
So what's my excuse? I knew 30 hours was a dream goal. I never expected to get there, an hour a day, not with all that we were coming up upon. But I never thought I'd do less than 10 hours either. Kiddo started baseball, and I go to the games to watch and take pictures. There are a lot of games! Also I've been working with Kiddo on college stuff. All sorts of forms and visits were in April for a college he thought he was going to (he's recently changed to another). So time was tied up with Kiddo, which would probably be most of the last of many things now that he's graduated and going into college.
And this month was a bust all around. It felt like a short month as we were still playing catch up from three of the four weekends in April being filled with college visits. We had Prom to ready for and pictures to be taken. Then I headed to Balticon for the last weekend.
Like I said, a bust for me.
And why not toss in June?
I know we are coming to the mid point of June and there's still 15 days remaining. Anything could change. But, I'm not foreseeing it going anywhere and I'm not going to get my hopes up just to be crushed.
I spent the first 10 days tied up with Kiddo's graduation from high school then his Graduation party. We had the school picnic and then I got sick with this sinus infection. It's been busy. I am also working on for pay content editing work. And I've concluded I need to get another part-time job on the weekends, so I'm looking for that now too.
Sadly, the writing will have to take a back burner until life gets back on track all around.
I'm not planning on joining Camp NaNoWriMo for July. I have another editing project coming in (yea!) and I want to get back on track with a few things here. August is going to be a bit tricky in the beginning, and then Kiddo starts college so... I'm not sure how that will go. We'll see when the time comes.
I want to get a few things squared away and get to writing again, even for half an hour a day.
I have an idea for a special system to use in a book creating itself in my mind. It has to do with color and light. I have to research it and learn more and I don't have a story to go with it yet, but the idea of this system sounds my head. ;) I'll note it and maybe some day it'll work into a story idea.
So, here's to a few months of getting caught up then back at it once again!
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
March Update
Oh my! I forgot to post this. How can I do that? I've been trying to keep up with all the things. lol.
So I had some big plans for March. I was cruising along on re-writes at the beginning of March. I was thrilled as some sections stayed with the same idea but re-written and other scenes got additions, large additions.
Christmas Spirit:
32 hours by March 10th ~ I upped the goal to 38 hours by March 31st.
-- I added 11 hours to the clock, bringing me to a total of 28 hours spent on the project since the beginning of the year.
The total hours spent don't feel like a lot as I look back now. But when working, it feels like a lot is getting done. I'm currently on page 146 out of 359. I think this is a very good progression. I know I can't work daily on the project with all going on in life at the moment - work, kiddo college stuff, editing work, and more.
Here's a picture of the progress, so can see the pages going by. This page has been read through and, as you see on the left, I've added a good bit to this section. I need to read it again and add a bit more, so I'm still on page 146.
So what's on the horizon for April?
I signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo. My goal is 30 hours of work by the end of April. That's one hour a day. I know one hour a day isn't going to happen, especially with content editing work to be done too. But I hope to get close. This means I'm going to have to buckle down and do the time. I know there's a few college visits this month as well, which will take my Saturdays and make Sunday's harder to get everything done. But I'm going to try.
Oh my! I forgot to post this. How can I do that? I've been trying to keep up with all the things. lol.
So I had some big plans for March. I was cruising along on re-writes at the beginning of March. I was thrilled as some sections stayed with the same idea but re-written and other scenes got additions, large additions.
Christmas Spirit:
32 hours by March 10th ~ I upped the goal to 38 hours by March 31st.
-- I added 11 hours to the clock, bringing me to a total of 28 hours spent on the project since the beginning of the year.
The total hours spent don't feel like a lot as I look back now. But when working, it feels like a lot is getting done. I'm currently on page 146 out of 359. I think this is a very good progression. I know I can't work daily on the project with all going on in life at the moment - work, kiddo college stuff, editing work, and more.
Here's a picture of the progress, so can see the pages going by. This page has been read through and, as you see on the left, I've added a good bit to this section. I need to read it again and add a bit more, so I'm still on page 146.
So what's on the horizon for April?
I signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo. My goal is 30 hours of work by the end of April. That's one hour a day. I know one hour a day isn't going to happen, especially with content editing work to be done too. But I hope to get close. This means I'm going to have to buckle down and do the time. I know there's a few college visits this month as well, which will take my Saturdays and make Sunday's harder to get everything done. But I'm going to try.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
February Update
Wow, that was one short month! I had forgotten it was short by 2-3 days. It's surprising how much of a difference 2 days can make.
I've been stumbling along this month with family stuff, content editing work, and re-writes. It's going well. Could be better, but well. I'm not going to complain. I'm content with the work I've completed.
Christmas Warmth: 5,000 word goal.
-- I had stopped working toward this one at the end of January. I was content with what I added and will add and adjust when I go through re-writes with this one. This goal ended February 28th.
Christmas Spirit: 32 hours by March 10th.
-- I have added 12 hours in February to my 5 hours in January, bringing me to a total of 17 hours logged. That leaves 15 hours to be put in by March 10th. It's doable, but I probably won't get all of them in.
Something additional I wanted to share about Christmas Spirit, I'm 84 pages into 359 pages of the book. I've had sections that I've added a good bit and I've had sections I redid keeping the same idea but adding something that changes things in that scene. Those things could be reactions or feelings or even when something is done in the scene.
Want to see a picture of the page comparison? Maybe I'll start sharing an image each month, to see the progress even if it is slow.
It looks like a ton of pages to get through yet, but that's okay because I feel like I've come a long way in what I have completed. I even had a great sentence to add come to mind when driving to work this morning! That's what happens to me after I work through a sections, I get a clear idea the next day since my mind slept on the idea. This idea was something that ties a previous scene and who Em is to the moment she's in. I love the feel when those moments hit me.
This book needs LOTS of work and still will when I'm done with these re-writes, but I have a great feeling about this book and series. If I can get it to where I want, with help from friends, I would love to share this one with the world.
At least that's what I'm thinking now, may change later. ;)
Wow, that was one short month! I had forgotten it was short by 2-3 days. It's surprising how much of a difference 2 days can make.
I've been stumbling along this month with family stuff, content editing work, and re-writes. It's going well. Could be better, but well. I'm not going to complain. I'm content with the work I've completed.
Christmas Warmth: 5,000 word goal.
-- I had stopped working toward this one at the end of January. I was content with what I added and will add and adjust when I go through re-writes with this one. This goal ended February 28th.
Christmas Spirit: 32 hours by March 10th.
-- I have added 12 hours in February to my 5 hours in January, bringing me to a total of 17 hours logged. That leaves 15 hours to be put in by March 10th. It's doable, but I probably won't get all of them in.
Something additional I wanted to share about Christmas Spirit, I'm 84 pages into 359 pages of the book. I've had sections that I've added a good bit and I've had sections I redid keeping the same idea but adding something that changes things in that scene. Those things could be reactions or feelings or even when something is done in the scene.
Want to see a picture of the page comparison? Maybe I'll start sharing an image each month, to see the progress even if it is slow.
It looks like a ton of pages to get through yet, but that's okay because I feel like I've come a long way in what I have completed. I even had a great sentence to add come to mind when driving to work this morning! That's what happens to me after I work through a sections, I get a clear idea the next day since my mind slept on the idea. This idea was something that ties a previous scene and who Em is to the moment she's in. I love the feel when those moments hit me.
This book needs LOTS of work and still will when I'm done with these re-writes, but I have a great feeling about this book and series. If I can get it to where I want, with help from friends, I would love to share this one with the world.
At least that's what I'm thinking now, may change later. ;)
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
January Update:
Ugh. Where did January go?!? Really. A whole month has flown by without me even seeing it. Or so it feels that way. Recovering and catching up from the holiday's seems to always take longer than I hope. Then I've gone on college visits with Kiddo. Ugh! I'm so glad I don't have to make that choice again. So many colleges to visit and chose from. How do you know?
I did get some work done. Yea for small miracles!
It'll be easier for me to track my work this year thanks to NaNoWriMo's new feature, Goal Tracker. You can set a goal for a length you'd like and for words or hours. You can also do more than one Goal Tracker! Totally awesome!
My goals so far:
Christmas Warmth: 5,000 word goal by February 28th. 4,018 words achieved.
-- This totally works for me as there are some sections that still need to be added but will be done in re-writes when I'm reading through the story.
Christmas Spirit: 32 hours by March 10th. 5 hours spent in re-writes.
-- This is a slow start, but I will pick up the pace. This means I have 27 hours to get through in a little over February. February is a short month, but I believe I can do it!
So, I am working. Any and all small skips forward are an accomplishment. Here's to continuing on for February!
How did your January go? Did you get done what you wanted? Or was it weighted down with recovering and getting caught up from the holidays?
Ugh. Where did January go?!? Really. A whole month has flown by without me even seeing it. Or so it feels that way. Recovering and catching up from the holiday's seems to always take longer than I hope. Then I've gone on college visits with Kiddo. Ugh! I'm so glad I don't have to make that choice again. So many colleges to visit and chose from. How do you know?
I did get some work done. Yea for small miracles!
It'll be easier for me to track my work this year thanks to NaNoWriMo's new feature, Goal Tracker. You can set a goal for a length you'd like and for words or hours. You can also do more than one Goal Tracker! Totally awesome!
My goals so far:
Christmas Warmth: 5,000 word goal by February 28th. 4,018 words achieved.
-- This totally works for me as there are some sections that still need to be added but will be done in re-writes when I'm reading through the story.
Christmas Spirit: 32 hours by March 10th. 5 hours spent in re-writes.
-- This is a slow start, but I will pick up the pace. This means I have 27 hours to get through in a little over February. February is a short month, but I believe I can do it!
So, I am working. Any and all small skips forward are an accomplishment. Here's to continuing on for February!
How did your January go? Did you get done what you wanted? Or was it weighted down with recovering and getting caught up from the holidays?
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
New Year Resolutions
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Photo By: Melissa L. Hayden At: Spellbound in a Flash |
You may have read my generic resolutions for 2017 at my book blog. Here I'm going to put a little more fine tooth comb to it.
1) Write/edit every other day. (except when working on editing jobs, which are worked on daily) I know it's said to write daily. But writing daily seems to stress me out more. I went through a period a few years ago that I wrote/edited every other day. It might have been slow moving, but I didn't feel stressed and it seemed to give my brain time to digest and move on with what I'd written, making it all fit together better.
2) Finish Christmas Warmth. I started this in November for NaNoWriMo, and stopped with the holidays. This is a small goal, one easily reached, as there isn't much to add to the story to bring it through to a conclusion that's sitting in my mind.
3) Get re-writes of Christmas Spirit done. There are many things that need to be added to the bones of this story, things I missed in my thinking when writing it. So, I'll need to add and adjust the story in this first pass of re-writes. It could easily take me all year with my pacing.
4) Write a short story. I have this idea that I started to research and stopped. I want to research it again and outline it. Maybe even get to start writing it. It's a secret project but I can say it's got steampunk in it. ;)
5) Send something to a friend. If things go well this year, I'd like to get something to a rough point to send to someone to read. This is a first for me. I've sent no words to anyone to read. I've had no faith in my words to send them out, even to a friend. I want to overcome this fear.
So that's it. I think these things will keep me busy enough for the year. What's your resolutions?
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